Bud Bash 2000 Pictures

These are the pictures from the Third BudBash in Calgary, Alberta (with a few stops in Edmonton.) The attendees were Bud/Qualin, Bryan Derksen, Ramen, and Lance/Weremoose. Kris was made an appearance, but unfortunately, I didn't get her on video.

Bud driving on the way to Bryan's house
The Lair of Derksen
Bud and Ramen at Bryan's
Mirror shot at Edmonton Mall
The wave pool at the mall. (No I don't know anyone there)
Escalator up to....
The dragon's den (actually in the lobby of the movie theater)
Entrance to Fort Edmonton Park
Ramen shakes Bud and Bryan in his excitement
The train to that travels back in time to the old Fort Edmonton
And here we are at the fort
More fort
The windmill with no blades
Daniel San? This sheep was bleating like crazy
Horse gear
Ramen gets an idea!
Bryan in the car on the way back to Calgary
Hm.. Bryan again
Lance and his elephant form's toothbrush
Bryan at Bud's place
Ramen watching TV (Trust me. He's watching TV)
Bud on the computer
On the way to the bus station
Bryan breaks into song at the Chinese restaurant. Unfortunately, it was the Hamster Dance song!
Ramen enjoying the song
Bud enjoying the song as well
Ok, Ramen's had enough
Bryan about to leave on the bus
Ramen! Take the lens cap off!
Lance models what he is reading
Ramen and Bud at the FedEx ramp dropping Lance off
A storm on the way back from the cockpit of the plane
More lightning
And more storm

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