The Articulum Part 14 By: Lance Holloway The desert seemed to be enjoyable to the giant lizardmen that Swurg had as soldiers now. However, it was much to hot for himself. Both he and the elephant were in desperate need for water. There was no sign of the refreshing liquid anywhere. "Master, I am getting strange sounds from the spy," said the soldier with the communication equipment. "What type of sounds?" Swurg asked. "I don't know. It's not static," the lizard replied. "See if you can fix it," Swurg said. He had no idea how any of those electric devices worked. Magic was the power of the universe. And the Articulum will help him gain more of that power. "Master, the spy is approaching. His signal is getting stronger," the communication lizard said. "Approaching us? Why? He should be spying on the Norrom," Swurg yelled. "Unknown, Master. I still can't make out what he is saying." Swurg scanned the horizon for any signs of the spy. Sitting on top of an elephant gave him an excellent view. Off in the distance he saw something. It was approaching them. "I see something there," Swurg pointed. "It must be the spy." The army all watched as the spy drew closer. Swurg hoped the spy had a good reason for leaving his duty for the spy's sake. As the spy became clear Swurg began to laugh. "He's a camel!" Swurg yelled. The army was engulfed in laughter. The camel galloped at top speed through the ranks of lizards and stopped in front of the elephant. It started to bellow and make camel noises. "What's he saying?" Swurg asked. "I don't know, Master," the communication lizard said. "I don't understand camel." "I can fix that," Swurg said and made a slight gesture toward the lizard. He watched as the lizard's face began to deform on his right side. Another eye opened to the right of the others. A second mouth formed and pushed itself out into a muzzle of a camel. The lizard felt of his face in shock. It was a lizard's head and camel's head merged together. "Now, you can speak and understand camel too." The lizard stared in awe for a few more seconds and then muttered, "Thanks, Master," from both of his mouths. Of course Swurg couldn't understand what the camel mouth was saying. "Now, ask him what he is doing here," Swurg demanded. The lizard turned to the camel and asked some questions. The camel responded to all of them. Swurg sat impatiently for the interpretations. "Master, he said that he was spying on the Norrom from an oasis when he was suddenly a camel," the communication lizard said. "Oasis! Where?" Swurg shouted almost falling off the elephant. "That way," the lizard said and pointed to the direction the camel came from. "Then we go to the oasis!" Swurg ordered, and the army started marching toward the water. --------------- Jamk relaxed under the shade of a slender tree with Vulla. He longed to be able to nuzzle up to here like he could as a horse. But, for now he was stuck in that Rooman body. He liked it more than his old human one, but it didn't compare to his horse self. He had noticed his change of attitude to his true self, but he didn't care. A horse was what he was destined to be. Vulla was quietly sleeping while Jamk sat there watching the others. Turlon was in the middle of a conversation with Arna and Hokmal. Peten, Rarguf, and Metty were helping themselves to the water after surveying the area. They hadn't found any trace of any more worms. Although Jamk didn't know how looking about above ground would help. That one came from below. He was about to doze off himself when Arna shouted his name. "Jamk! Come here!" she yelled. Jamk hopped over to where she, Turlon, and Hokmal were talking. "Yes?" "Jamk, I know how much you ended up loving your horse body," she began. Then she glanced at Hokmal. Turlon had a sly grin on his face. "So, we have discovered a way for you to become one again." Jamk could hardly keep his calm. His kangaroo legs propelled him high into the air as he leaped for joy. "How? What? When?....." he sputtered. Hokmal made calming gestures. "Control yourself, boy," he said. "I am one of the highest wizards of the Gormods. Thus, I had the privilege of obtaining this." He held out a medallion that hung around his neck. "This truly belongs to Arna, but she entrusted it to me during her horse years." "And you may keep it, Hokmal until I regain my magic abilities," Arna interrupted. "However," Hokmal continued, "Arna is the horse expert. I have never turned someone into a horse. Now camels are easy, but horses I need practice." "What does that mean?" Jamk asked. Hokmal seemed impatient. "It means that I can turn you into a horse, if you want. However, since this is my first horse transformation spell, it will take a long time to complete. It may take a few minutes, hours, or days for you to completely be a horse again." "I'll do it," Jamk said. Arna jumped in, "Now, wait, Jamk. You must think about this. Once the spell starts, we can't stop it." Jamk nodded his head. "You will be weak and semi-conscious at some points," she continued. "Are you sure you want to do this?" Jamk didn't need to think about it at all, but he glanced toward Vulla anyway. "I'll do it." Turlon spoke up for the first time, "Jamk, we do need you on this quest. As a horse, rooman, or human. Any will do, but we need *YOU*." "I'll be here, Turlon," Jamk said. "And Hokmal doesn't know how long it will take. He said it might take just a few minutes." "That's true," Hokmal said, "but it might take several days, too." Turlon spoke up again, "Jamk, it's up to you. I want you to be what you want to be." Jamk stuck with his first decision. "I'll do it." "Very well," Hokmal said. "Are you ready now?" Jamk nodded. Hokmal held the medallion in front of him aiming it at Jamk. He began to mutter syllables Jamk would never have been able to pronounce. Suddenly, at green beam of light shot out from the face of the medallion and struck Jamk in the chest. Jamk flew backwards. Everything went black. -------------- After they were set to travel again, Peten helped strap Jamk to Metty. Peten could notice the kangarooish features of his friend become equine. His reddish brown fur was becoming black, and he had gained a lot of body mass. Luckily Rarguf was there to pick him up and set him on the horse. Hokmal said it might take a while. Jamk was unconscious ever since the spell was cast upon him. Peten guided Metty as they set off in the direction Turlon pointed out. Ever since Hokmal had learned that Turlon was the Norrom, the gormod had been by his side. So, the fact that Turlon and Hokmal were together in the lead wasn't a surprise. Arna, as usual, was riding Vulla, and Rarguf would fly then walk sporadically during the journey. Hokmal had tried to convince Peten that he would serve the group better as a camel, but Peten didn't agree. He definitely did not want to be anything other that what he is. Being a rooman was the last he ever wanted to experience being in a different body. And Hokmal wanted him to be a camel? It made sense, but Peten would only be used for carrying Turlon. And Turlon could walk himself. After a day's travel through the desert, everyone was ready to rest. They had plenty of water after their stop at the oasis, but every time someone took a drink of the water, Hokmal would say something like, "Now if you were a camel...." Peten didn't know how he could trust the gormod. Who knew if they would all wake up as camels the next morning. Rarguf placed Jamk gently on the ground. He was definitely turning into a horse. Peten thought that he was about half way there. Vulla lay next to the future horse nuzzling him. The others slept close together. Except Rarguf, who always sleeps at a distance. Peten was glad that he does. No telling how bad the snoring would be of he was right next to the dragon. Peten hardly got any sleep. He tried to, but his fear of being a camel the next morning kept him awake. Then he heard a noise, and it wasn't Rarguf snoring. Peten shot up and grabbed his portable light. He scanned the area and found the source of the sound. It was Jamk. Jamk had awakened. Peten quietly walked over to his friend. Jamk was still drowsy, but he was determined to look at himself. He lifted his arms to look at his hands. "Hooves! I've got hooves again." Sure enough, Peten saw that the paw-like hands Jamk had earlier had completely changed into horse hooves. "And, you're tail is bushy," Peten added. Jamk tried to see his tail, but he was too tired to move that much. Jamk let out a slight horsy laugh. "I'm going to be a horse again," he said before he fell asleep again. Peten watched Jamk for a while longer to see if he would wake up again. Just sitting there, Peten thought he could actually see the muzzle becoming more horse and less kangaroo. Peten was glad that Jamk was becoming what he wanted, but he didn't know why. Actually, he knew why. Vulla was a pretty horse, even to a human. What Peten didn't understand was how Jamk could give up who he was. Jamk always loved and was great at video games and other hands on hobbies. Now, he doesn't even have hands. Just solid hooves. Peten settled back down in his sleeping bag wondering how anyone could do that. -------------- Jamk woke from his sleep. The sun was just about to rise. He glanced around and saw that none of the others were awake. He had no idea of how long he slept, but he felt wonderful. However, he was thirsty. He pushed himself to all fours and trotted over to the supply bag. He tried to open the bag, but he couldn't get a hold of it with his hooves. "That's strange," he thought. "I could open this bag before." Then it hit him. He realized that he was a horse. He looked himself over and over to make sure. No sign of kangaroo any more. Just a strong black stallion. He galloped around through the sand to get a feel of his long lost body and let out several joyful whinnies. A roar erupted from over a dune. Jamk stopped in his tracks. Then the head of the dragon raised from over the sand. "Jamk, I'm glad you're a horse again, but will you keep it down?" Jamk nodded and said, "Sorry, it's just that I'm a HORSE again!" Rarguf looked confused. "Jamk, that is you, isn't it? I don't understand horse remember." Jamk was confused then. He had spoken normally. Why couldn't Rarguf understand him? He said, "Sorry again." This time he actually listened to himself. He was making horse noises. Nothing was wrong with that. He liked whinnying and nickering. It was the fact that he couldn't get human words out that bothered him. Rarguf walked over to the panicking horse. "Jamk, it's ok. I'm sure we can figure out a way to let you speak again. I always did like the fact we had a talking horse in our band." Jamk let out more frustrated whinnies. "Jamk, calm down," Rarguf said. "Please calm down." Jamk continued to make noises trying to speak normally again. He wanted to be a horse, but he didn't want to be completely separated from what he used to be. He liked being able to speak human. "What's going on?" Peten asked approaching Jamk and Rarguf. He didn't seem like he had been asleep. "Peten's a horse now," Rarguf said. "But, there's a problem." Jamk let out a loud whinny. "He can't speak human," Rarguf added after Jamk finished. Peten looked disappointed. "Jamk, it's going to be fine," Peten said with a tone that Jamk didn't like. Peten walked toward him. Jamk stood there as Peten approached, but felt skittish. Here he was listening to his friend talk to him like he was talking to a real horse, and he can't talk back. "Jamk, I see you are a horse again," Arna said. She had walked up without Jamk even knowing. Peten faced her. "He can't speak!" he said. Arna looked at Jamk and then back to Peten, "I didn't change him this time, remember. The amulet turned him into a horse, and horses don't speak. They don't speak human that is. Now, once I get my magic back, then I can fix that." Jamk tried to ask how long would that be, but it still came out in horse. He didn't think he could ever get used to that. Loosing his hands was one thing, but his ability to communicate was another. Peten looked at Jamk. Jamk tried to convey an expression, but didn't know if his new face would translate it correctly. Peten must have gotten the idea because he asked Arna the question Jamk wanted to ask. "How long would that be?" Peten asked. Arna shrugged. "I don't know. It's supposed to last for about two weeks." "What do you mean you don't know?" Peten demanded. Jamk listened to their bickering before someone trotted up to him. It was Vulla. He tuned out Peten and Arna and nuzzled Vulla. He hadn't been able to do that in a long time. ["It's glad to have you back,"] she said in horse to him. ["I'm glad to be back,"] he responded. They both trotted around together. -------------- Turlon was sad that he missed the morning activities; however, he didn't want to get up early anyway. He was out like a log. He kept having dreams of camels for some reason. Hopefully that gormod doesn't get any ideas. What woke Turlon up was two horses running by him. He just thought Vulla and Metty were getting exercise until he saw that it was Vulla and another horse. Jamk finally got what he wanted. He could see why a horse's body would be better than a human's, but there was so much that a horse couldn't do. Turlon had been thinking about what he was to become once he found the Articulum. Being part horse probably wouldn't be too bad. That way he would have the best of human and horse. Unfortunately, he wouldn't have any say in the matter. The Articulum would make him what the Articulum wanted. "Turlon, glad to see you up," came a voice behind him. It was Hokmal. "It's time we started out." "Already?" Turlon asked. "I just got up." "No time. The Norrom needs to get the Articulum as soon as possible," the gormod said. "He's right, Turlon," Arna said. "We need to get a move on. Everyone else is ready to go." Turlon looked around and saw that she was right. Peten had finished packing Metty. Jamk and Vulla had their gear on while they were frolicking. Rarguf stood in the background waiting. "Ok," he said getting up. "I'll be ready in a moment. They were on the move in no time. Vulla was riding Jamk again. She must like his trot. Vulla let Turlon ride her, and Peten was on Metty again. Hokmal insisted on walking because they had no camels. Turlon felt sorry for Jamk. He was just a normal horse now. Well he seemed like one on the outside. Turlon was sure it was still Jamk inside. The desert eventually gave way to a rolling prairie. As they journeyed on, Turlon noticed that the locator indicated the Articulum was getting closer. He felt a knot in his stomach. He knew it was going to happen sometime, but now it was too soon. In the distance was a small town with a mountain range behind it. The windmills rose high generating power for the village. As they drew closer, several small farms could be scene around them. No one paid them much attention until they saw Rarguf flying above. He occasionally waved in a friendly way, but the people still either ran indoors or stared in shock. The town was much smaller than Yummmak. Hardly anyone was on the streets. Rarguf stayed out of the town. He flew far enough around it that no one could see him. Arna stopped Jamk in front of a store and went in. Peten and Turlon followed. Hokmal stayed with the horses. Inside, Turlon saw lots of foods he had missed eating since he had left. Unfortunately, Arna didn't listen to his requests. After buying the supplies, the group headed out of town. Turlon watched the locator. The Articulum was drawing closer. Rarguf flew in to join them as they left the town behind them. "Anything interesting happen?" Rarguf asked. "Not a thing," Peten replied. "Good," the dragon said. "I didn't want to miss anything." They continued walking in the direction the locator pointed them. Eventually they arrived at the base of one of the mountains. Turlon looked up at the peek towering above them. "It's in there," he said. "If I read this locator correctly, it's in this mountain." Arna looked up at the mountain. "Very well," she said, "we must find a way up." ----------------- Jamk concentrated on keeping his footing on the mountain side. Vulla and Metty seemed to not have any trouble at all, but Jamk had never used his horse body on a mountain before. The fact that Arna was sitting on his back didn't help matters. He wished he could tell her to get off. Bucking her off wouldn't be a good idea, because she would probably tumble down the mountain side. Peten and Turlon were off of their horses. They were just guiding them. Arna insisted on staying on Jamk. "Mountains aren't my thing," she had said. Jamk was beginning to believe that mountains aren't his thing either. If only he was a mountain goat. He threw that idea away as soon as he thought of it. With Hokmal there, he might just end up a mountain goat. Or worse, a camel. "There's a cave up ahead," Rarguf bellowed from above. That's what Jamk wished he had at the moment: wings. He threw that idea away too. He had just gotten his horse body back, and now he wished for something more. He love being a horse, and that's what he was going to stay. "Thanks, Rarguf," Arna yelled back. "Having a dragon sure comes in handy," Hokmal said. "Good thing I didn't turn him into a camel." "Hokmal, you should have learned more than camel transformations by now," Arna said. Hokmal smiled. "I did, but camels are more fun." -------------------- To Be Continued......