Griffin Cliff "Now, remember, Sam. These dishes must be clean when we get back," said Sam's Aunt Marge. She and his cousin, Leigh, always went out after supper. Sam was stuck with perpetual kitchen duty. "Yes, ma'am," replied Sam. "We will be back in a few hours," Aunt Marge said. "Bye, Sam," said Leigh closing the door behind them. Sam was alone again. Ever since his parents were in that car accident, he has been living with Aunt Marge and Leigh. He was a fourteen year old boy, and he was still treated like he was eight. Leigh, being eight, can do anything that she wants. After finishing the dishes, he went outside to enjoy the night air. There was a large rock wall behind their house. Griffin Cliff was the name given to it. Sam enjoyed lying under the cliff and gazing toward the top. He had been on many rock climbing expeditions with his father. But, Aunt Marge won't let him climb to Griffin Cliff. It was perfect for rock climbing. But, she said that her husband got killed on that cliff. "Griffins live at the top," she says. "And they don't like trespassers. That's what happened to George." She would always choke up whenever she told him the story. But that night, while he was lying there looking up the cliff wall, he thought he saw something flying. It was too high to see what it was, but it looked like some sore of hawk. This got his curiosity up. "What if that is a griffin?" he asked himself. "Aunt Marge and Leigh won't be back for a few hours. That will give me plenty of time to scale the rock wall." He ran in the house and got his equipment. He quickly set everything up at the bottom of the cliff and started climbing. "This is easier that I thought," he said to himself. He was an avid climber, so he reached halfway up in about twenty minutes. "Aunt Marge is going to have a fit if she finds out. But, I don't care." Sam continued on the rest of his journey. Thirty minutes later, he reached the top. He looked around and didn't see anything up here. Just some rocks and trees. He looked over the edge. "What a view," he said to himself. "Look at me," he yelled out to the world, "I made it!" "So, you did, human," said a voice. He turned and saw a large majestic creature sitting on a rock staring at him. It had the body of a lion and the head and wings of an eagle. "So you did," said the griffin again. But the creature's beak didn't move. That's when Sam realized that he wasn't hearing the voice, the voice was in his head. "You.. You are a griffin," muttered Sam. "Yes, I am. We all are." When the griffin said those words, other griffins stepped out from behind trees and rocks. Two walked over to Sam circling him. "You are trespassing, human," said the first griffin. "By the law, Griffins are the only one's allowed up here. No humans." "Are you going to eat me now?" asked Sam certain of his doom. "Maybe," said the first griffin. "It depends. Akuro, what do you think?" "I think we can eat him," said one of the griffins circling Sam. "He looks tasty. No, wait. We can't eat him." The griffin turned Sam around so the first griffin could see his back. "It's too late," the griffin said grabbing something behind Sam and holding it up. Sam felt the griffin's paw on the thing it held up. He turned and looked. It was a tail. A lion's tail. A lion's tail that was attached to Sam. "What?" asked Sam startled. "It looks like we can't eat you, boy," said the first griffin. "It would be cannibalism if we did." Sam was confused as he felt his legs changing shape. They didn't fit his pants anymore. "You are becoming one of us," said the first griffin. "The law says that only griffins can be here. Thus you must be a griffin." "But, I'm not a griffin," said Sam as he fell to all fours. His arms were furry front legs now. "You will be," said the griffin. "But, I don't want to be a griffin," said Sam. Actually he said it with his mind, because his mouth was forming into a beak. "You should have thought of that before you climbed the cliff." There was a rip as Sam's wing burst from under his shirt. "Welcome, griffin," said the first griffin. "What is your name?" "Sam," replied Sam. "Welcome, Sam," said all the other griffins. "Ready to test out your wings, Sam?" asked the first griffin. "I guess," Sam replied. "Good, follow me." The griffin leapt into the air. Sam did the same. Flying was easy. It came naturally. He caught up to the other griffin. "Were all of you human, too?" asked Sam. "No, only a few were human," replied the griffin. "Griffins have been around this area for a long time. We have managed to keep out of the public notice pretty well. And those that do find us become a griffin." "But, don't you eat some of them?" The griffin laughed. "No, we were just trying to scare you. We don't eat humans." "But, what about my Uncle?" asked Sam. "Aunt Marge said the griffins killed him." "I'll tell you about your Uncle later," said the griffin. "We have an appointment." With that, the griffin started spiraling down toward the ground. Sam followed. "We have to meet someone," he said. They landed in a clearing in the woods. Two people sitting in the grass looked up at the two griffins. They stood and ran over to the two griffins. It was Aunt Marge and Leigh. "Oh, George," said Aunt Marge. "We miss you around the house." "I know, Marge," said the griffin, George. "Remember I love you." "George," sputtered Sam. "Uncle George?" "Sam is that you?" asked Marge angrily. "I told you not to go up on the cliff. Now see what has happened to you." "Don't worry, Aunt Marge," replied Sam. "I cleaned the dishes before I climbed the cliff." "Oh, Sam," said Marge hugging him. "I didn't want this to happen to you, too. I know how the men in the family are. They see a rock wall, and they have to climb it." "I think I like being a griffin, Aunt Marge," said Sam. "It's something new. It's an adventure." "You're just like your uncle," said Marge. She looked over at George and Leigh playing. "Just like your uncle." After a long visit with Aunt Marge and Leigh, George and Sam leapt into the air and flew away into the night.