Hacker Jeff arrived at his apartment after a long day at work. His boss wanted him to get more familiar with the computer system. Jeff didn't know where to begin. But, after checking his mail, he found a solution. Among the bills was a CD-ROM. The packet read, "Become a hacker in three easy steps." He read on. The CD was instructional software to get familiar with the hacking concept of computers. "This will get me more familiar with the computer system at work," he thought. He ran up the stairs to his apartment and hurriedly unlocked the door. He couldn't wait to see if the software would help him. He turned on his computer and stuck the CD-ROM into the drive. He launched the program and waited for it to start up. The program had many advertisements before it started. I guess that is how the company was able to send the disks out for free. He didn't pay any attention to the ads. Finally the actually program started. "Want to be a hacker? Then follow these three easy steps." More hype popped up on the screen. "Come on. I want to see the steps. I don't want to see an info-mercial," Jeff yelled at the computer screen. The screen flashed and the first step appeared on the screen. "Step 1: Enter in your personal information." It was followed by blanks where Jeff filled in his name, address, etc. "Step 2: What level do you want?" There was a list of different levels of information. Jeff wanted to learn it all. His job depended on it. He clicked on the "Complete Hack" button. "Step 3: Wait for lesson to start" Jeff waited for a few minutes. The screen changed and another message came up. "Beginning lesson." The screen rapidly flashed on and off. "Great, my computer is messing up." Jeff reached to the keyboard to press Ctrl-Alt-Del to reboot the computer. What he saw shocked him. His hands weren't hands anymore. They were solid pulsating lumps. They reshaped and hardened into black hooves. He examined his former hands and saw that brown fur was sprouting from his writs. It moved up his arms reshaping them along the way. The fur continued to spread and reshape his body. His clothes split at the seams. He fell out of his chair and landed on all four of his hooves. He turned his head around to look at his body. He was a horse. "What the...." Jeff tried to say, but his vocal cords could only produce a whinny. Jeff looked around in panic. He saw the new message on the computer screen. "You are now a full hack," it said. Then he heard his modem dial up to another computer. ------------------------------------ Louis was sitting at his computer at work. A message flashed across his screen. "New customer information received." Louis opened up a folder and read the information that was just sent to his computer across the network. A Jeff Cummings had just used the program and is now a full hack. Louis shook his head. "That poor man is now a horse," he thought. "We should have checked for type-o's better."