The Wigamalefis part 12: Now What? A No More Fakes Story (Tuesday, December 31) I arrived at home from work as usual. It was just a typical day. I was still Wiggy in my wigamalefis body. Some how I'm going to give Will his body and mind back. But how? I still don't see how all this happened. I mean all my memories are of me, Wiggy. I have always been a wigamalefis. But, somehow this human named Will got turned into me. Somehow at that party two months ago. I passed my table where tool, parts, and other junk were laid out. I've been working on Project F for a long time now, and haven't made any progress. Mostly I'm scared to test it. After what happened to Kerry/Jerry, I don't want to test it on anyone else. The last I saw of the new half wigamalefis half human was him running down the street. Hopefully he is happy with his new form. He will have to be. I have changed Project F so many times, that I don't know what state it was in when Jerry was transformed. Lance hadn't seen him either. And since he has a bird's, or shall I say dragon's eye view of the city, I figured he would spot Kerry first. Lance has been flying around a lot recently. He is practicing stunts for the game we are working on. It is coming along great. We have the whole thing lined out, and we are currently filming the live action footage. I was so relieved that we got tomorrow off. We worked so hard today on that game. It was late when I left the office. I looked at the clock. It said 8:00. "Man I better get some good overtime," I said to myself in wigamalefish. I fixed some soup for dinner and sat down in front of the TV. Not much was on. I noticed that some of the transformed people from the Halloween party had gotten their own show on Public Access. It didn't look interesting, so I flipped some more. There was a small noise behind me. Before I could turn around, something hit me on the head. Everything went black. ------------------------------ I woke up still on the couch. The TV was still going. I looked at the clock and saw that I had been out for an hour. "I must have been hit hard," I thought. I reached up and felt of my head. Sure enough there was a bump right above my left antler. I looked around to see what had happened. I didn't notice anything different. Wait! The table with all the junk was missing one thing. "Project F!" I growled. I looked around to see what else was gone. Nothing was missing. Just Project F. I went to the phone to call the police, and hospital if I needed it. That's when I saw something in the doorway to the hall. I peered around the corner. Nobody was in the hall. Well, not exactly. What I saw was what looked like someone's skin. It looked like they had shed it. I looked closer and saw a hint of blue fur. Kerry! Kerry had broken into my house again and used Project F. But why did he shed his skin? Then the lights went out. "What could happen next?" I thought. I searched for the end table next to the couch. I had a flashlight stored in its drawer. When I found the flashlight, I heard something in my bedroom down the hall. "Kerry must still be here." I looked around the living room for anything to use as a weapon. The table where I was working on the project had a wrench and a screwdriver. Being the only options, I grabbed them. I slowly walked toward the hall door. I could definitely hear something. I quickly shone the light down the hall. Nothing. The sound was more like breathing. But, it didn't sound like any breathing I had heard before. With wrench and screwdriver in hand, I crept down the hall. The flashlight was aimed on the door at the far end. It was on the long wall, so I couldn't see in the room. I reached the door. The breathing was loud now. I pointed the light in the room and looked in. In the middle of the room was a horrible creature. It looked up at me with its red eyes and leaped. It knocked me over and took off down the hall into the living room. What little I saw of it, it wasn't anything I had ever seen before. It had orange slick skin and a long skinny tail. I looked back in the room where it came from. All that was there, other than what was normally there, was some torn clothing, Project F, and a baseball bat. That must have been what Kerry hit me with. I took the bat and walked down the hall again. I could hear the creature in the kitchen. I tip toed through the living room to the kitchen. With the faint light of the street lights shining through the windows, I could see it on the counter. It was large. I guess it was about the size of a human. It was eating what was left of the soup I had on the stove. It looked up at me and stared. Its red eyes glowing. Then it continued to eat. I stayed close to the door and backed up to the cabinet where I kept snack food. I fumbled around, but finally got what I wanted. I opened the package of beef jerky and put it right under the flashlight light. The orange creature saw the jerky and hopped off the counter. It slowly crept up to me on all fours. It's round head had a large mouth and two slits for a nose. It opened its mouth and let out a piercing howl. I saw row and rows of sharp teeth in that mouth. I tossed the jerky at its feet. Each foot was just two long sharp claws. It bent down to smell of the jerky. If this creature was Kerry, it definitely didn't remember being human. It kept its eyes focused on me and lapped the jerky off the floor with a long forked tongue. I backed out of the kitchen, keeping my eyes on the creature. It chewed the jerky and swallowed. It continued to stare at me. I continued to back up. Then it sprang. I managed to bring the bat up to block its attack. It knocked me over backwards. Its fore claws were on top of the bat. It brought its face close to my snout. Its breath was hot. Its red eyes still locked onto mine. Then it bound for the front window. It jumped though the glass and landed with a thud outside. I struggled to my feet and looked out. I could see the shadow of the beast running through the neighbors' yards. "What have I done?" I asked myself. "Project F is becoming more dangerous." I turned away from the window, and went into the room the creature was in. I picked up the device and locked it in my closet. "No one is going to use Project F until I can change Kerry back," I growled. Then I went to the phone to call the police. "What a way to start the new year."