The Wigamalefis part 8: Project Fix A No More Fakes Story (Wednesday, Nov. 6) After work that day, I stopped by the hardware store on the way home. I needed to pick up some parts for my project. Project Fix as I like to call it. I hoped it will change all those people back into their human selves. I walked in the hardware store and everybody kept eyeing me. I found the items I needed no thanks to the employees. No one came near me. I went up to the checkouts and handed them the items. The cashier kept a watchful eye on me. "You hear about those break-ins?" she asked. I shook my head. "Some robots have been stealing construction material," she continued. "The news says they must be people that were at the Raucous Chicken last week. That's why everybody is watching you. You could be associating with those robots." I shook my head again. "Well, just to let you know," she said. She finished ringing up the sale. "That will be $20.57." I paid her in cash. "Have a nice day," she said. I waived and walked out of the store. "These humans are so paranoid," I grumbled to myself. "I need to get this thing working to stop all this." The next stop was to the electronics store. They weren't as paranoid as the hardware store was. I guess they didn't think I would be stealing anything for those robots. I arrived home and got to work on Project Fix. I worked on it all night. For the next few days, that is all I did. I went to work, and when I came home, I worked on the project. It was coming along splendidly. No major setback occurred until Saturday night (Nov. 9). I finished the project. It was a bulky laser gun looking thing. I used a lot of the parts I bought and a few from around the house. All I needed was something to test it on. I'm sure Lance would have, but he went out of town this weekend. I think his parents wanted to see the dragon they have for a son. Besides, I think Lance would want to stay a dragon until he finished the game we are working on. That strange feeling came. So, the only alternative I had was to test it on myself. I would miss being a wigamalefis. Those swims I had were so relaxing. But, I needed to see if my invention worked. I set the beam on a delay and positioned the laser. I pulled the trigger and ran in front of the gun. In a few seconds the laser shot out of the gun, hitting me in the stomach. I fell to the floor, and all went black. ----------------- I woke up slowly. I heard mumbling around me. "Someone must have come to check on me," I thought. "I hope it is Sandy. We still need to patch things up." I opened my eyes. I was not in my house anymore. And it didn't look like any hospital I've seen. Then I heard the mumbling again. I could hear what they were saying now. "He's awake," one voice said. But it wasn't a human voice. It was speaking Wigamalefis. The speakers came to where I was lying. They were wigamalefi. I sat up. That's when I noticed something else different. I wasn't a wigamalefis. I was human again. That strange feeling came. "I'm human," I said disappointedly. "I finally get back to my home planet, and I get turned into a human!" The other wigamalefi were looking at me questioningly. They never learned to speak English, and now that I'm a human, I can't speak Wigamalefis. I suddenly recognized the wigamalefi around me. They were the other engineers that worked on the transporter that sent me to Earth. The room came into focus then. I was in the transporter lab. "Who are you?" the leader of the transporter project asked. (I would give you their names, but I can't come close to typing a good translation.) I tried to say my name, but my human vocal cords couldn't form the correct sounds. I jumped up and ran to my desk that was still in the corner of the lab. All the wigamalefi were in hot pursuit. They didn't want a strange being running around the their lab. I grabbed my pencil and jotted my name down on a piece of paper. They all looked at me confused. Then they all gave me a big furry hug. To be continued.