The Match By Lance Holloway Laser lights flashed around in a dazzling display illuminating different parts of the dark arena as they zipped by. The crowd of various morphic and non-morphic animals was roaring and chanting. Suddenly a spotlight hit the microphone standing in the middle of the wrestling ring. A morphic bull dressed in a white button-down shirt and a nice pair of slacks walked up to the microphone. He removed it from the stand in one of his hoof-like hands and looked out into the crowd. "I know what you all have been waiting for!" he said. The crowed cheered. Arms, wings, flippers, and tentacles waved in the air. "The first contestant is big and furry. Better watch out for those antlers. It's Weremoose!" He slung his hand around and then pointed at one side of the arena. Indoor pyrotechnics at the top of the stage ramp silhouetted a large morphic moose. A re-mixed version of the "Rocky and Bullwinkle Show" theme song played, and overhead lights illuminated the ramp while Weremoose walked down it to the ring. His blue cape flowed behind him as he gave a few snarls at the fans. Half the crowd cheered and the other half booed. The moose leaped onto the ring and took the microphone from the bull. "Tonight will be the night!" he said to the crowd. Then they joined in with him saying, "I. Want. My. Water plants!" The crowed burst into howls and shrieks waiving their homemade signs that praised Weremoose. Weremoose held his arms up accepting the applause. Holding his head high he paced around the inside edge of the ring. "Weremoose has been after this title for the past week," said the meerkat commentator ringside. "Ark. Ark," said the seal commentator next to the meerkat. The bull ran up to Weremoose and forced the microphone out of his hands. "And who is brave enough to stand up against Weremoose?" He looked around dramatically. On cue, the pyrotechnics exploded again. This time the silhouette was that of a kangaroo. A heavy metal version of the "Captain Kangaroo" theme song played. The kangaroo hopped out onto the ramp and struck an intimidating pose with his arms crossed and his eyes narrowed behind the black mask over his head. "Wereroo! Oh no!" said the bull. "Not, Wereroo!" said the meerkat. Weremoose gasped in mock surprise and grabbed the microphone from the bull. "Wereroo! You dare challenge me?" The kangaroo continued to pose at the top of the ramp saying nothing. "Come on if you dare," continued Weremoose. "These antlers have your name all over them." Wereroo remained silent but crouched down. In two large hops, he was down the ramp and in the middle of the ring, close enough for his voice to be picked up on the microphone. "Without those antlers, you're nothing but a big-nosed cow," Wereroo yelled so he could be heard. The crowd roared, and Weremoose made a grab for the kangaroo who hopped out of the way. "I don't think Weremoose liked that," said the meerkat. "Ark. Ark," said the seal. The bull stepped between them. "Ok, you two. Wait until the bell rings." He took the microphone back from Weremoose and looked back out to the crowd. "Are you ready?" he yelled. The crowd roared, "YES." "Then let's get ready to rumble!" The bull got out of the ring and rang the bell. Weremoose instantly lunged for the kangaroo but he wasn't quick enough. Wereroo was already on the other side of the ring hopping back and forth taunting the moose. "Weremoose's size looks to be no match for Wereroo's speed," said the meerkat. Wereroo ran to the ropes and sprung feet first back at Weremoose. He smacked into the moose's chest, and they both fell to the canvas. Wereroo recovered quicker and held Weremoose's shoulders to the mat. The bull started the countdown. Weremoose moved his right shoulder up just in time and knocked the kangaroo back. They both got to their feet and circle around. "That was a close call for Weremoose," the meerkat said. "Ark. Ark," said the seal. Weremoose made a lunge at Wereroo with his head lowered. His antlers pointed right at the kangaroo. Wereroo grabbed the antlers and twisted forcing Weremoose back to the mat. The crowd went into an uproar. "Ark. Ark!" said the seal. "You can say that again, Wereseal," said the meerkat. Weremoose got up before the kangaroo could pin him and backed out of the way. He felt his antlers to make sure they were still there. Discovering they were, he snarled at the kangaroo. A loud roar was heard from the top of the ramp. Everyone stopped and turned to see who was making the noise. A large grizzly bear wearing a pair of bright yellow shorts was baring his teeth and claws. He dropped to all fours and charged down the ramp. "Werebear!" shouted the meerkat. "There bear!" shouted someone in the crowd. "Ha! I kill me!" "Leave the commenting to me, WereAlf," said the meerkat glaring at the orange-furred alien. The crowd erupted in laughter. The bear climbed into the ring and stood there facing the two wrestlers. "I am going to beat both of you," he growled. "You will regret last week!" All three snarled at each other, and the crowd cheered. "This is a shocker," said the meerkat. "Werebear wants the title as well." "Ark. Ark," said the seal. The three wrestlers rushed at each other and collided in the middle of the ring. Wereroo was twisting Weremoose's leg. Weremoose was scraping Werebear with his antlers. Werebear had Wereroo in a headlock. A streak of orange and tan raced down the ramp to the ring. Halfway there, the Gungan tripped on his own feet. "Meesa tripped," he said with a large goofy grin. Getting back to his feet, he jumped into the ring and right in the middle of the three wrestlers. The meerkat jumped up onto his table. "Looks like Weregungan wants in on the action, too." The large round billowing dirt cloud, which was now the fight, rolled around the ring. Growls, bellows, and "ouchies" were heard all mingled together. "The fight has grown bigger!" the meerkat said. "Who is going to win? And when?" A large platform directly over the ring lowered from the ceiling. The crowd stopped cheering and looked up. Ominous music played over the sound system. Standing on the platform was a human. "Looks like Lance has made his appearance," the meerkat said. "Ark," said the seal. Lance peered over the edge of the platform and saw the fight below. "Looks like the fight has gotten rough," he said in his radio shirt microphone. "Ark. Ark," replied the seal. Lance nodded. The platform stopped just above the ring. The wrestlers were still fighting not knowing that the platform had arrived. Lance studied the fight, timing when he would jump in and defend his title. "Looks like they haven't noticed the platform has arrived," said the meerkat. "Ark!" No one noticed the large shape that swooped down the ramp and to the edge of the ring. A huge stream of fire blew across the ring and the platform. When the fire cleared the four wrestlers and Lance stood blackened from the blast. "Enough," roared LanceDragon. "It's my turn." With that he flew up to the platform and dropped Lance onto the cushioned floor surrounding the ring. The five stunned, singed people looked up in silence as the platform raised again. The crowd cheered. LanceDragon beamed a huge dragonic smile and waved his arms in victory as he was raised through the hole in the ceiling. ------------------- Lance woke with a start. Looking down at himself, he saw his body reshaping, and the green scales spreading. His human mind slipped into the background as his dragon mind took control. Although his body was all dragon, his size wasn't much bigger than his human form. After a glance around the bedroom, he realized that he would outgrow the room and eventually the whole house. Quickly he charged through the house and out the front door hitting his shoulders and wingtips on the frame. Safe from any structural damage, his body finished expanding to his full 50-foot dragon size. Giving his wings a few test flaps, he looked back at his small house one last time and then flew into the night sky. He relished his newly won control, control that would be challenged once again.