Dreams 6 A Winds of Change story by: Lance Holloway I could hear the lion and ape men coming closer. They were a few door down from the room where we were hiding in. Scottie was fidgeting. She must have been lost in concentration. We had to think of something. My sleeping body lay on the floor taking up a lot of room. The projection of myself was near the wall listening to the approaching men. "I have it," I said. "They know that it was a moose that saw what they did. I'll just change my projection and run for it. They won't be able to hurt me that way. You stay hidden in here. Hopefully they will go after me and not look in any more rooms." "But, what about you?" Scottie asked. "If they do look in here, your body will still be asleep." "Don't worry about that. I think they would go after me since it was my moose projection they saw in the room," I said shifting from my normal stegosaurus morph to the moose morph. Scottie looked down in thought. "But...." "No time! Take care of me," I said and ran through the wall. The lion and ape were looking in the room next to the one we were in. The ape noticed me and aimed his gun. I took off running down the hall. Looking back I saw the lion and ape both chasing me. I ran around a corner. Some custodians were taking cleaning things out of a closet. "Out of my way!" I yelled. They looked up in surprise and jumped out of the way. I think my leg phased through one of the mop handles. Hopefully it happened so fast no one noticed. I heard one of the ladies scream as my two pursuers rounded the corner. I turned another one. It lead to a door that opened to the alley. I ran through it. Hopefully it wouldn't be locked. They needed to be able to follow me. Sure enough I heard the door open behind me. Then there were gun shots. I knew the bullets wouldn't hurt me, but I was still terrified. I reached the street and ran down the sidewalk. I dodged people trying not to phase through anyone. Then I heard screams as people saw the two men with guns charging down the sidewalk. I continued running. "If only there was somewhere were there weren't a lot of people," I thought. Luckily they haven't fired the guns in the crowd. I needed to loose them. Suddenly a lady walked out from one of the buildings right in front of me. I didn't have time to dodge. She saw me and threw her hands up to brace the impact. I went right through her. I looked over my shoulder. She looked startled, but nobody else seemed to notice. I proceeded to run. Then the obvious hit me. I turned a corner into a small alley. I concentrated and changed my projection to that of an armadillo morph and quickly strolled out into the crowd on the sidewalk walking the direction I was running. Hopefully that would throw them off. I heard them coming. People yelled and jumped out of their way. They ran right past me. I let out a sigh of relief. "Now, I just need to get back to Scottie," I said to myself I looked for a good place for me to disappear. I didn't see anything in the direction I was walking, so I headed back for the alley I shifted in. Strangely, I felt like I couldn't make it. It was like I was being woken up. "I couldn't be a mile away from my body," I thought. Then I vanished and woke up in my saurian body. I was still in my normal form. I looked around and saw Scottie tied up and unconscious. Then I saw that we weren't in the conference room anymore. We were in the back of a large semi truck. The elephant was watching us. The man that was induce-shifted to his norm dog form stood next to the elephant man. The dog growled. The elephant stood from his chair and leaned over my head. "So, you're awake. Well, I didn't mean to wake you up," he said and slugged me in the head with the handle of his gun. All went black.